Vos médecins Français à Londres

Les meilleurs soins médicaux, dans votre langue

Consultations disponibles en Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol, Français & Italien

international doctors

Welcome, Bienvenue,  Willkommen, Benvenuto, Benvenido !

At La Maison Médicale, we know that explaining your health problems in a language that is not your first language can sometimes be tricky and prevent some patients from getting the help they need to get better.

For 11 years we have been providing private health services in 6 different languages, helping people all over the world.


GP Consultations

You feel unwell and would like a medical opinion, you have some tests or vaccinations you have postponed for too long?
You need someone to refer you to the right specialist and to follow-up on it?
Our GPs are here to help

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Check your Microbiome !

Despite being one of the most widely researched parts of our body, there are relatively few specialised analysis and treatment services to help patients improve the health of their gut microbiome. La Maison Medicale has become a pioneer in this exciting field of medicine, offering highly effective diagnosis and treatment programmes specifically tailored towards each individual patient. 

Learn more