Speech Therapy

What is Speech Therapy?

We know that a communication disorder makes it difficult or impossible to achieve a good academic, cultural, professional and social integration.

Clearly, an oral language disorder perturbs the acquisition of the written language. It may even prevent learning how to write, a skill that is essential in daily life, even for the simplest applications.

Speech-language pathologists are sensitive to the problem of illiteracy and intervene as trainers of trainers in this very particular field.

At all ages of life, communication can be disrupted.

The speech-language pathologist performs a check-up during which he explores abilities and knowledge, assesses disorders, and suggests any further examinations.

The speech therapist treats all sorts of language disorders, from the small child who cannot build his language and speech, to the elderly person that has trouble communicating.

The speech therapist intervenes on children when the child:

  • fails to acquire reading,
  • cannot write understandably,
  • does not grasp logical reasoning.

The speech therapist also intervenes on children or adults when the patient:

  • exhibits an articulation disorder,
  • stutters,
  • exhibits a speech disturbance,
  • suffers a loss of language after an accident or surgery.

Who can benefit from Speech therapy ?

Any child whose parents, school, social or medical community are concerned. 

Any child whose oral or written language does not evolve properly.

Any child whose disability (trisomy, BMI, deafness ...) disrupts the installation or development of language.

Any teenager or adult with oral or written communication problems:

  • after-effects of previous disorders,
  • accident,
  • trauma,
  • post-operative complications,
  • brain aging
  • ...

The Speech Therapy Practice

he task of a speech-language pathologist or simply speech therapist is to correct pronunciation disorders and provide voice, speech, oral and written language rehabilitation.

The speech-language pathologist is therefore a therapist who deals with the problems of oral and written communication in children, adolescents, adults and aging people, for the purpose of prevention and rehabilitation.

In every professional setting, the speech therapist must respect strict rules of ethics. Whether the consultation with a speech therapist is requested by the parents (or the patient), or on the advice of a teacher, or by any other intervenor (social worker, nursery nurse for example), a medical prescription is necessary before the assessment can proceed and permit any rehabilitation to begin.

It is important to note that because of the wide variety of language-related disorders, it is necessary to delimit the impairment in order to determine whether speech therapy is the correct approach. Speech therapy is not for psychotic children. It is not adequate for individuals whose disorders are related to school problems, temperamental problems that may affect certain modes of expression or learning, or a reactionary attitude, in which language disorders are symptomatic of profound psycho-emotional difficulties (that require psychotherapeutic treatment) and for whom speech therapy could lead to a displacement of the symptom.

On the other hand, one must never lose sight of the fact that a language impairment must never be isolated from the whole personality of the subject. The context in which the disorder appeared, its evolution, its repercussion, the motivation of the subject as well as the cooperation of the family must be taken into consideration. The methods of rehabilitation can be very different depending on the case, the origin of the impairment, its specificity, and the personality of the child. Speech-language pathology is therefore a diversified care that requires a personalized approach in order to create a need for exchange, charged with an emotional meaning in relation to others, and which allows the enrichment, affirmation and flourishing of the language by its very realization. Using specific techniques, rehabilitation provides the subject with the means to better perceive, better understand the oral or written skills needed to improve verbal and non-verbal communication.


-Speech Therapy Consultation: £65
-Assessment: £200

How to book a consultation:

Call the reception or send us an email.