Morgane Le Cleuyou

Morgane Le Cleuyou

Therapist & Hypnotherapist


I’m a therapist practicing in London since 2018, I help you find and strengthen the resources you already hold within yourself to empower you towards achieving your goals.

My therapeutic practice relies on an innovative approach integrating EFT, NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis, hypno-CBT & EMDR. These tools can be used as stand-alone approaches or combined, be it during a session or all through our work together, this adaptability allows me to offer you a truly personalised and targeted support.

I work with children, adolescents and women. My work is deeply rooted in empathy, respect and benevolence in order to create the environment most conducive to the growth of each and every person who decides work with me


-Consultation: £115

A prepayment of £70 will be asked at the moment you book the appointment

Cancellation Policy:
More than 72h before the consultation: Fully refunded
In between 72h & 48h: £70 prepayment will be kept
Less than 48h: Consultation fully charged